Due to decreasing temperatures, dengue fever cases have registered a sharp reduction in the district during the last week.
District Coordinator Epidemics Prevention and Control(DCEPC) Dr Sajjad Mehmood told APP that since last week, on daily basis, around 20 to 30 cases had been brought to the district’s health facilities, while earlier, the number of daily patients was 60 to 80.
“This year, around 4,599 dengue cases were brought to the district’s health facilities while the number of cases was 2,183 in 2021,16 in 2020, and 6,161 in 2019 during the period,” he added.
During indoor surveillance, Dr Sajjad said that 1,261 anti-dengue teams checked 35,076 houses last day and found dengue larvae at 188 homes. Similarly, he informed that 512 teams, during outdoor surveillance, inspected 15,425 spots and detected larvae at 16 places.
The health official added that the district administration, in collaboration with allied departments, had registered 3,036 FIRs, sealed 680 premises, issued Challans to 7,868, notices to 14,312, and a fine of Rs 10,744,118 imposed on violations of anti-dengue SOPs from January 1 to date in various areas of the district. Dr Sajjad expressed the hope that in the coming days, the dengue cases would witness a further drop as the weather turned more relaxed, which was not suitable for the survival of the dengue parasite.
13 dead, 1242 injured in 1197 road accidents in Punjab: Atleast thirteen people were killed and 1242 injured in 1197 road accidents in Punjab during the last 24 hours.
Of whom, 648 people were seriously injured who were shifted to different hospitals, whereas, 594 people with minor injuries were treated on the spot by rescue medical teams.
As many as 587 drivers, 41 underage drivers, 147 pedestrians, and 521 passengers were among the victims of road accidents. Statistics show that 306 road accidents were reported in Lahore which affected 311
people placing the provincial capital at top of the list followed by 101 in Faisalabad with 115 victims and at third Gujranwala 71 with 68 victims. According to the data, 1045 motorbikes, 80 auto-rickshaws, 128 motorcars, 13 vans, 11 passenger buses, 35 trucks and 81 other types of auto vehicles and slow-moving carts were involved in road accidents.