ISLAMABAD: Supreme court’s instructions in Agha Khan case were reviewed on Thursday at the farewell meeting of Federal Cabinet chaired by former premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi.
Citing the instructions of SC, the cabinet directed the investigation and prosecution agencies to act according to the law in Asghar Khan case.
The decisions which were taken by the Cabinet Committee on Privatization in its meeting held on May 25, 2018, Economic Coordination Committee on May 30 and 31, 2018 and Cabinet Committee for Disposal of Legislative Cases on May 29 and 30, 2018 were also ratified during the meeting.
During the meeting, approval to sign agreements of Shanghai Cooperation Organization during the Heads of State Meeting at Qingdao China to be held on June 9 and 10, 2018 were also accorded.
The cabinet also approved the appointments of Chairman (BS-21) in Drug Court Balochistan, Quetta and of Member (Engineering) in Capital Development Authority, Islamabad.
The meeting also nominated Sher Afgan Khan, Additional Secretary as Director on Board of Directors of Oil and Gas Development Company Limited.
It also gave the green light for the placement of the University of Islamabad Bill, 2017 before Parliament and also for the appointment of auditors for Financial Year ending on June 30, 2018, in Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
Besides the amendment in Rules of Business, 1973 in Pursuance of Cabinet Decision, the meeting consented to the establishment of Public-Private Partnership Authority.
While discussing the expected deficiency of water for the Kharif season crops, the body approved a proposal for the provision of power to farmers, and of operating tube-wells at a flat rate for the next three months.
The cabinet also approved reduction in regulatory duty on export of copper scrap from 25 % to 15 %.
Reforms package for the purpose of transforming Kashmir Council into an advisory body, as decided by the National Security Committee, was also presented before the Cabinet. The Cabinet accorded approval for tabling of the reforms before the AJK Legislative Assembly.
The cabinet decided to re-impose regulatory duty on import of cotton with effect from July 15, 2018.
The meeting also ratified the recommendations of a Committee constituted by it earlier regarding LNG Terminals at Port Qasim and referred the matter to the Board of Directors of Port Qasim Authority for further consideration and implementation.
The body also approved the reduction in regulatory duty on export of copper scrap from 25 % to 15 %.